Hound Club of the NT



PO Box 569
Humpty Doo   0836
Northern Territory


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Welcome to the home of the
Hound Club of the Northern Territory
an affiliate of the North Australian Canine Association

The HCNT came into existence  on 31 January 1987 when a group of hound owners got together and decided to form a club to foster the interests and welfare of dogs, particularly those belonging to the Hound Group.

Those present at the inaugural meeting were:
Marion Banks Nancy Banks Helen Boyd R Boyd
Lucy Cooper Doug Ford Gwen Ford Sue Heath
B Hill Joy Nye Steve Russell Cindy Watts
Les Sherwood Jackie Turner Jan Van der Velde Allan Watt
Marlene Watt Rink Van der Velde Carol Sherwood  

We conduct one Specialty Championship Show annually and details for 2009 can be found on the Events page.  Results from previous shows can also be found there.

We award a perpetual trophy to the Northern Territory Hound of the Year.  This is a pointscore for which all members are eligible.  Details of the pointscore can be found on the Membership page.

Our current committee:
President Marlene Watt
Vice President Mandy Hammett
Secretary/Treasurer Sandy Irlam

Trophy Hound
Charlene Chalmers
Dallas Chalmers
Mel Hammett
Sandra Lew-Fatt
Meghann Ripper
Carol Smith
Susie Ripper

Details of past committees

Welcome and we hope you enjoy your visit to our home.

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